Aaron Skippings, SMB's very own downhill skateboarder

Bearings 11-05-2017

Our technical whizz Aaron Skippings is also a downhill skateboarding whizz!  Last weekend saw the tremendously successful downhill skate event "Rumble at the Peep", a British Regional event (which adds national BDSL ranking points to competitors' profiles) which was organised by Aaron himself!!

The event was attended by 30 national competitors, so there was a really strong challenge for the top spots, but Aaron managed to pip everyone else to the post & came first (boo-hiss to those that say it was rigged!! 👅).

This small but dynamic sport is always looking for new starters to join the fray - if you're interested in getting into the sport you can start by visiting the BDSL FB page for more information, or just dive straight in & go to HogHill Event at Redbridge Cycling Centre in London (which is specifically designed for beginner riders).

Later on this year, Aaron is heading off to Canada to compete in the L'Ultime Descente - Top Speed Challenge - the aim of this crazy game is to skate down the one of the steepest descents in the world, without killing yourself, at around 75 miles per hour - easy, right?!  We'll nervously bring you all the news from this challenge in September..

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